ithriveX Blog

The seasons are changing and the weather is getting cooler, perfect time for warm soup. Our grandparents have been making chicken soup for years, dishing it out when you feel under the weather. There really is scientific evidence to support that it benefits your health and speeds up the healing process. It’s simple to make, tastes delicious, and offers some amazing health benefits for the whole body.

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Cryotherapy – a form of therapy where the patient ‘cries it out’ in a therapeutic environment, usually under the supervision of a licensed therapist. Okay, just kidding – crying isn’t actually a part of cryotherapy. Unless exposure to extremely cold temperatures brings tears to your eyes.

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New technologies, scientific discoveries, and innovations are happening every day. As a result, new cures and treatments for various ailments are on the horizon – the future is promising. But, taking a look into the past is also enlightening. It can give us valuable medical knowledge and treatment. Case and point – acupuncture.

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