Lists, Lists and More Lists!
Someone told us the other day that December is the most-popular list making month of the year. We tried to find statistics to prove that assumption-but came up short. However, the more we thought about it, it just made sense. Right? Kids make lists for Santa. We make grocery lists for Holiday celebrations. We make lists of events we want to attend and people we want to visit. We make lists of organizations we want to send end of the year donations to. And we make lists of dreams we want to pursue as we move into a new year. Lists, lists and more lists!
Lists are not a bad thing. They keep us organized and focused. At ithriveX we focused on a lot of new things this year. Developing new give-back partnerships, finding new retail channels, expanding our ambassador program, bringing awareness to numerous physical and mental health challenges, and always making sure our existing customers had what they need to #thrive! We’ve said it before, ithriveX has ALWAYS been more than just a product company. We’re a mission driven company focused on health, hope, and healing. And that will NEVER be crossed off our list.
So, before we start making our list for the new year, we thought you might want to check out just a few more things on our December to-do list.
National Guard Birthday-On December 13, 1636, the Massachusetts General Court, established the first official militia for the American Colonies. As a component of the United States Army, the National Guard is primarily composed of citizen-soldiers who hold down full-time, civilian jobs and/or attend school, while at the same time, they are available to provide support and protection for the states’ civilians or be called for military operations at a national level. National Guard Soldiers serve both community and country. Their versatility enables them to respond to domestic emergencies, overseas combat missions, counter-drug efforts, reconstruction missions, and more. The Guard always responds with speed, strength, and efficiency, helping to defend American freedom and ideals. We know our Guard works hard for the people, so we want to say THANK YOU. Enter promo code THANKYOU20 and save 20% on your ithriveX online order. Our all-natural performance creams will help you with joint and muscle pain and fit easily into your duffle bag!
Happy Hanukkah (Beginning December 18 this year)-In December, while some are preparing for Christmas, others are celebrating Hanukkah, or the Festival of Lights; an eight-day Jewish holiday commemorating the re-dedication of the Holy Temple (the Second Temple) in Jerusalem. Hanukkah is less religiously significant than other Jewish holidays but still has many wonderful traditions for those who participate. Now is a great time to learn more about Hanukkah or share your tradition with others. We want to wish all our Jewish customers a very Happy Hanukkah!
- Christmas- The Christmas Holiday season is a magical time for those who believe. It is the month where we focus so much of our thoughts on hope, love, joy, and peace. Although days leading up to Christmas may be bustling and busy, Christmas Eve (December 24) and Christmas Day (December 25) are great days to rest, relax and reflect. Well, that’s what we’ll be doing (at least). Celebrate the reason for the season with those you hold close in your heart. Be generous. Be grateful.

- Universal Hour of Peace-Beginning just 30 minutes before the clock strikes twelve on New Year’s Eve and ending at 12:30 am on January 1, the Universal Hour of Peace is celebrated in each time zone, rendering it a full 24-hour day of celebration around the world. What can you do to participate in this event? Maybe you can join a group who are taking a silent retreat or participate in a local candle lighting vigil for peace. If you are alone, you can focus on some personal mediation, or you can invite others to join you in a time of quiet contemplation. Post a message of peace on your personal social media platform. Sometimes a short or thoughtful quote can encourage someone to think about peace and unity. Going to a New Year’s Eve Party? That’s OK too- maybe you can share a toast or prayer in the name of peace. Imagine the impact if we could just all do it together at the same time.