MAYbe this is the month you get moving?
Mobility is the ability to move freely and easily.
For most of us, it is something we do every single day without thought or hesitation. We walk. We run. We dance. We shop. For those who are athletes, mobility might be more intense. We exercise. We strengthen. We train. We develop. For others, mobility can be a challenge. Could be due to an injury. Could be a result of limb loss. Could be a result of a mental health issue. Could be lack of motivation.
At ithriveX, our goal has always been to help YOU unlock YOUR human potential. You see it in our tagline “Don’t just survive…thrive!” Changing your way of thinking, your outlook, and your mindset are great first steps for taking those first steps. Believing in yourself and your abilities set you on the path to renewed health, hope and healing. Stand tall. Be confident. Be courageous. Be ready for it. And don’t be afraid to ask for help. Set a goal. See the goal. Yes-MAYbe this is THE month you get moving.
- Each year National Fitness Day is the first Saturday in May (May 7, 2022).
This is THE perfect day to set your goals and get started. The day is dedicated to everyone – not just health enthusiasts and athletes. You can do something simple like take a hike or ride a bike. Or, you can try a class that looks interesting. Jazzercise? Yoga? Spin Class? Your local Y, library or community center might even have some FREE options. Yes, try it for a day or a week or the month. You have options. Just Do it! (And keep some ithriveX performance cream nearby in case your muscles need some tender, love and care.)
- Our friends at ROMP (Range of Motion Project) have a great initiative this month called #ROMPEveryDay. This year ROMP turns 17 and they are celebrating by moving 25,000 miles and raising $25,000 as a community to help ROMP patients get high quality prosthetic care.
Their virtual challenge offers 25+ activities to choose from to celebrate your own mobility and is a great fundraiser at the same time. You can participate individually or as part of a team. Check out the details here. And look for #mobilitymay on your social media. (And don’t forget ithriveX Anti-Friction cream to keep you moving forward.)
- If you suffer from FIBROMYALGIA, we know that some days movement of any kind can be debilitating.
Fibromyalgia affects some 12 million Americans. It is a musculoskeletal syndrome and causes a variety of symptoms. Symptoms may come and go, lasting a few minutes, an hour, a day, a week, a month, or a year. While there is no cure for fibromyalgia, a variety of treatments and therapies focus on reducing the amount and frequency of pain are available. Therapies such as exercise, massage, acupuncture, and chiropractic care aim to manage symptoms without pharmacological interventions. And of course, an ALL-NATURAL product, such as ithriveX Performance creams, may also offer you relief. May 12th is National Fibromyalgia Awareness Day. Enter Thrive20 for 20% off your first ithriveX order at our website.
- If there is one group who understands the importance of movement and mobility, it is our great military. The third Saturday in May (May 21, 2022) is Armed Forces Day which pays tribute to the military personnel serving in the United States Armed Forces.
The United States Military is composed of six branches, including the Army, Airforce, Space Force, Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard. Over 1 million+ active-duty service members are stationed in the United States and around the world. An additional 800,000+ reservists stand ready in the Army National Guard and the Air National Guard. We want to say THANK YOU to our service members. We are grateful for the work you do!