Thankful, Grateful…Blessed!
It’s November…and images and acts of gratitude surround us. That’s why it is officially declared “National Gratitude Month”. There are so many ways to say “thanks” for all the blessings in your life: Thanksgiving celebrations with family and friends, volunteer for a community event, bake a pumpkin pie for a neighbor, give where you live.
As a small business, ithriveX (honestly) celebrates gratitude every single month of the year. We are grateful for our vendors who help with our manufacturing, bookkeeping, and social media. We are grateful for our partnerships who believe in the #bettertogether vision. We are grateful for our employee team, who never give up on our mission. And…we are most grateful for our customers; including those who buy from us directly and those who buy our products through retailers. It is because of YOU that we can continue to promote #healinginmotion.
We have so many great opportunities this month to “give back”. With various discount options available, November is a great time to stock up on all ithriveX products.
1. Interesting Fact! Veterans Day (on November 11) is the day we stand united for those who have served. It originally started as Armistice Day on Nov 11 because that is the anniversary of the signing of the Armistice that ended WW1. In 1954 the Holiday was changed to “Veterans Day” in order to account for all veterans in all wars. If you are a service member, veteran, or family to a veteran, we salute you for your service. Use code VET20 to take 20% off your first ithriveX order.
2. November 15 has been dedicated as National Philanthropy Day. At ithriveX giving back has always been the center focus of our mission and now more than ever we are excited to support great organizations such as Less Leg More Heart.

3. The Holiday season is just around the corner, and we can’t wait to kick it off with Small Business Saturday (November 27) and Cyber Monday (November 29). Use code THRIVE 20 at checkout to earn 20% off your order. ithriveX products make the perfect stocking stuffer, or as an add on to a gym membership, workout wear, or new sneakers. This Holiday season, choose at least one small business to support. Because it matters.
Owning a small business takes courage and faith to succeed. We are forever thankful, grateful, and BLESSED.